
Typescript Support

supabase-js has TypeScript support for type inference, autocompletion, type-safe queries, and more.

With TypeScript, supabase-js detects things like not null constraints and generated columns. Nullable columns are typed as T | null when you select the column. Generated columns will show a type error when you insert to it.

supabase-js also detects relationships between tables. A foreign table with one-to-many relationship is typed as T[]. Likewise, a foreign table with many-to-one relationship is typed as T | null.

Generating types#

You can use the Supabase CLI to generate the types. You can also generate the types from the dashboard.


supabase gen types typescript --project-id abcdefghijklmnopqrst > database.types.ts

These types are generated from your database schema. Given a table public.movies, the generated types will look like:

create table public.movies (
id bigint generated always as identity primary key,
name text not null,
data jsonb null


export type Json = string | number | boolean | null | { [key: string]: Json | undefined } | Json[]
export interface Database {
public: {
Tables: {
movies: {
Row: { // the data expected from .select()
id: number
name: string
data: Json | null
Insert: { // the data to be passed to .insert()
id?: never // generated columns must not be supplied
name: string // `not null` columns with no default must be supplied
data?: Json | null // nullable columns can be omitted
Update: { // the data to be passed to .update()
id?: never
name?: string // `not null` columns are optional on .update()
data?: Json | null

Using type definitions#

You can supply the type definitions to supabase-js like so:


import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import { Database } from './database.types'
const supabase = createClient<Database>(

Helper types#

You can use the following helper types to make the TypeScript support easier to use.

Sometimes the generated types are not what you expect. For example, a view's column may show up as nullable when you expect it to be not null. Using type-fest, you can override the types like so:


export type Json = // ...
export interface Database {
// ...


import { MergeDeep } from 'type-fest'
import { Database as DatabaseGenerated } from './database-generated.types'
export { Json } from './database-generated.types'
export type Database = MergeDeep<
public: {
Views: {
movies_view: {
Row: {
// id is a primary key in public.movies, so it must be `not null`
id: number

It's convenient to have shorthands for your most-used types.


export type Tables<T extends keyof Database['public']['Tables']> = Database['public']['Tables'][T]['Row']
export type Enums<T extends keyof Database['public']['Enums']> = Database['public']['Enums'][T]
// etc.


// Before 😕
let movie: Database['public']['Tables']['movies']['Row'] = // ...
// After 😍
let movie: Tables<'movies'>

supabase-js always returns a data object (for success), and an error object (for unsuccessful requests).

These helper types provide the result types from any query:

import { PostgrestError } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
export type DbResult<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : never
export type DbResultOk<T> = T extends PromiseLike<{ data: infer U }> ? Exclude<U, null> : never
export type DbResultErr = PostgrestError

const query = supabase.from('movies').select(`id, title`)
const movies: DbResult<typeof query> = await query